The Oranda Goldfish is one of the most fascinating and beautiful fish in the aquarium community. Both aquarium hobbyists and beginning fish tank owners adore this fish.
Their peaceful energy and beautiful appearance make them a great addition to many freshwater tanks which is why a lot of hobbyists opt for keeping this fish.
If the Oranda Goldfish is sparking your interest, keep reading to find our complete guide down below.
About the Oranda Goldfish
The Oranda Goldfish is one of the many breeds of goldfish that are currently discovered. Their scientific name is Carassius gibelio forma auratus. They belong to the Cyprinidae family. This fish was first discovered in China, but it was mistakenly thought to be from the Netherlands. Their lifespan can be as long as 15 years if taken care of properly.
They are characterized by the large bubble hood on their head which is their defining feature. This hood can sit right on top of the head, or it can completely cover their entire face with the exception of their eyes and mouth. The head bump may take 2 years to fully develop. Also, this hood or bump can become infected easily or cover their eyes to the point where they are blind. So, they do require a little extra care to make sure they are healthy.
This hood on the top of their head is the leading factor as to why they are one of the most popular breeds of goldfish in the world. Chinese aquarium hobbyists call this hood a “wen.”
The Oranda Goldfish comes in a variety of mainly warm-toned colors like orange and red. They also may have white and black features. This fish can reach lengths up to 8 to 12 inches long. They have large scales that make a clearly defined pattern.
Oranda goldfish are typically not aggressive and are very friendly. If kept in a tank with other fish, it is important that the other fish are peaceful as well. Even though they are not a schooling fish, they tend to get along fine with their own species in small groups.
Even though these fish are not the fastest swimmers in the goldfish breed, they still spend most of their day swimming and digging. Their energetic and playful nature makes them an asset in your tank. They can be found at the top or bottom of the tank, and they don’t tend to hide a lot due to their size.
Benefits of the Oranda Goldfish
Visually appealing – One of the defining characteristics of the Oranda Goldfish is the large bubble-like hood on the top of their head. This makes them incredibly unique and a great addition to tanks looking for some visual appeal. Also, their vibrant orange and red colorations make them pop out against the plants and water.
Lively personality – The Oranda Goldfish bring a lot of life to your tank because of their energetic and playful behaviors. They spend most of their time swimming and digging, and they swim all over at both the top and bottom of the tank.
Friendly and peaceful – The Oranda Goldfish will get along with many species of fish in community tanks as long as they have the same size, temperament, and tank conditions as them. They also get along with their own species as well. Generally speaking, they are not aggressive fish, and they make great additions to community tanks.
Easy to breed – This fish is extremely easy to breed in comparison to other freshwater fish and they are often bred in at home aquariums. You simply have to place the parent fish in the appropriate breeding tank, and the fry should be spawned in no time. Read down below to find more information on how to breed the Oranda Goldfish.
Requirements for the Oranda Goldfish
Water – Keeping the water at the correct levels are extremely important when caring for any breed of fish. For the Oranda Goldfish, the temperature of the water should always remain between 68 and 71.5 degrees Fahrenheit which should be strictly abided by since goldfish are extremely sensitive to temperature. Also, the water’s pH levels should be in the range from 5 to 8 pH, and the water’s hardness should be in the range from 6 to 18 dH.
Tank size – Due to the size of this fish, they should be kept in a tank that is at least 30 gallons in size. This is also important because this fish loves to be energetic and have lots of swimming space. If kept in schools or in a community tank, the tank should be much larger in size.
Substrate – One of the things Oranda Goldfish love to do is dig. Therefore, you should choose a substrate that best complements this activity. If the substrate has sharp edges, they might hurt themselves which you definitely do not want. So, it is best to give them something like rounded gravel or large-grained sand to support their love for digging without hurting themselves.
Lighting – Oranda Goldfish need a normal light cycle with the light turned around for around 8 to 11 hours each day. This is pretty constant with lots of fish, so the lighting cycle should work fine in a community tank with other fish. But, make sure you always do your research to make sure all the requirements are always being met. To help ensure the lighting cycle is the same each day, we recommend going investing in a light timer so you won’t have to remember to turn on and off the light. Specifically, we recommend buying a ramp light timer which will create the most natural lighting cycle that gradually turns and off.
Maintaining an Oranda Goldfish
This breed of goldfish was bred through selective breeding, so it does not have a specific habitat that it lives in. So, we can only make assumptions of the conditions best for them from research and fish similar to them in origin and characteristics.
Because of the size of this fish and their desire to have a lot of swimming space, you need to make sure that if you have plants, they are not overcrowding the tank. A moderate amount of plants is completely okay and can have a lot of benefits. But, do not put too much in the tank where your fish is going to feel restricted from swimming.
If you restrict the space your fish can swim in, it can have some dangerous results. Oranda Goldfish who have been restricted due to tank size or too many plants have shown signs of stress and sickness.
The Oranda Goldfish is notorious for eating a lot which dirties the water quickly. Therefore, it is extremely important that you have a good filtration system installed in your tank. Also, keeping water oxygen-rich is important. Small plants could be incorporated that oxygenate the water, but again, just make sure they do not overpower the tank.
All types of goldfish are extremely sensitive to water, so it is crucial that you maintain weekly water changes. During these weekly water changes, you should be changing out about 25% of the water in the tank.
If you do not maintain the temperature of the water in the tank, these fish can develop what is called “white spot disease.” This is a potentially fatal disease that stimulates parasite growth on the fish’s body. Therefore, it is extremely important to abide by the water requirements in the tank, especially the temperature.
As far as their diet goes, they are omnivores, so they eat both meat and plant-based foods. They tend to mostly feed off of small insects, small crustaceans, and plants. They will eat both live and dry foods, and you can find food at local pet stores to feed them.
it is very important to add variety in their diet, so they get all of the necessary nutrients to stay happy and healthy. This can be easily done by adding vegetables like spinach into their diet.
Also, the quality of food you feed the Oranda Goldfish directly correlates to their coloration. The better the quality of food you feed them, the brighter and more vibrant their coloration will be.
You should be feeding young Oranda Goldfish twice a day, and you should feed adult Oranda Goldfish once a day. If you are not sure about feeding portions, you should feed them the amount that is equivalent to around 3% of their body size.
One thing to remember is that they will eat anything you give them, so you have to be careful not to overfeed them. If they eat too much, they can easily become overweight which puts them at high risk for diseases and a shorter life expectancy. Additionally, overfeeding can lead to serious health issues pertaining to their digestive system.
A sign that you are overfeeding your goldfish is if they are swimming on their side. If you spot this behavior, readjust your feeding routine by giving them smaller portions.
Tank Mates
The Oranda Goldfish is relatively peaceful and friendly community tanks, but they don’t get along with every fish. So, be cautious before placing them with any species.
When blending the Oranda Goldfish with other species of fish, you should be cautious of a few factors. First, make sure you do not pair them with small fish, as the Oranda Goldfish may swallow them by mistaking them for food.
Another factor to consider when blending them with other species is their temperament. They should have similar temperaments to theirs. The optimal option is blending them with other goldfish. But, some good species to also blend with them include catfish and plecos since they have the same temperament and tank conditions. These fish also help to keep the tank clean since the goldfish tend to create a lot of waste.
Some species of fish to definitely stay away from include Neon Tetras, Mollies, Bettas, Cichlids, and Platies. These species of fish tend to nip at the Oranda Goldfish’s fins which will only traumatize them.
If you want to incorporate plants in your tank, they should be quite small and scarce. As stated above, these fish need lots of space to swim, so their space should not be overcrowded with plants. Some plants that have good compatibility with the Oranda Goldfish that you might want to consider are the Vallisneria or the elodea plant.
Breeding Oranda Goldfish
Over the past couple of years, breeding goldfish at home has been increasingly popular. Goldfish reach full sexual maturity at around 2 years of age.
For the breeding tank, it should be about 15 to 20 gallons in size. The substrate should be round, so the offspring will not be harmed. Also, there should be a few plants.
Before breeding, separate the male and female fish and feed them live foods. This will ensure that they are healthy and it encourages breeding.
Once you place the male and female in the breeding tank together, they should spawn for the whole morning. After this takes place, immediately put take the parents out and place them in a separate tank.
After 2-3 days, the juvenile fish should become independent. Independent behaviors look like fish swimming around or looking for food. After you notice these behaviors, you should begin to feed them.
For their first feedings, they should be eating infusoria or goldfish fry food that can commonly be found in pet stores. After a couple of days, you can begin to increase their portion size and feed them with normal foods.
Wrapping Up
The Oranda Goldfish is a one of a kind fish that makes an asset to many freshwater tanks.
These fish do require a little bit more maintenance than other popular freshwater fish out there, but they are definitely worth it.
They have one of the most unique appearances out of all the freshwater fish, and their stunning colors make an excellent contrast against other elements. Also, the Oranda Goldfish have amazing personalities that will perfectly liven up your tank.